A Psychedelic Remembering


A free 3-part video series


Learn from integration specialist Dr. Katherine Lawson and ceremonialist Ophilia Mandara about psychedelic history, stigmas, dreamwork, and how we can be in right-relationship with these powerful medicines.


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What will you learn?

Video 1

The Ground We Stand Upon: Our Human Condition


In video one, we’ll explore the forgotten history of psychedelics and the paradigms and social structures surrounding these medicines throughout time and history, leading up to the current day. We’ll unearth profound questions about belonging, purpose, and the human experience, setting the stage to understand the ground we stand upon in our current psychedelic remembrance.


Video 2

Embodied Imagination®: Understanding the Overlap of Dreamwork and Psychedelics


In video two, we’ll discuss the parallels between dreaming and psychedelics – altered states of consciousness that share many similarities. You’ll be introduced to Embodied Imagination® and we’ll guide you in discovering how ancient dreamwork practices can support authentic psychedelic integration.


Video 3

Sensing the Mystical


In video three, Ophilia offers teachings on the invisible realm, and how unseen forces can influence our health and wellness. She’ll touch on ancestral stories, and discuss how to be in relationship with invisible forces in a way that can foster profound healing, both in your waking life and in psychedelic journeys.