Awake in the Dream offers certification, community, and online education for those who want to support others in the preparation and integration of the life-changing impact of psychedelic healing.

Awake in the Dream is a 6-month Psychedelic Preparation and Integration Certification. Graduates will have a fundamental understanding of the history, pharmacology, and contraindications of the most commonly used psychedelics, as well as demonstrated mastery in the proprietary method, Embodied Imagination®for Psychedelic Integration.
*Continuing Education hours available - pending approval
The Embodied Imagination® technique will enable you to safely guide your clients into expanded states of consciousness allowing your clients to gain clarity about their psychedelic experience. This unique approach to integration based on ancient dreamwork methods helps journeyers receive the insights of their journey beyond what habitual consciousness allows.
This technique has been shown to be deeply effective in harmonizing challenging psychedelic experiences and provides useful tools and insights to carry into daily life.